Updated November 6, 2021.
Here's what I'm currently up to.
- Helping people improve their metabolic health at Levels. Feel free to use my personal link to skip the waitlist.
- Living in New York City. Text me if you're around and would like to grab a coffee 914-355-8653
- Working on a sequel to my first tutorial.
- Building a mindfulness community at MindStreaks. Join us!
Eager to discuss
- Metabolic health and continuous glucose monitoring.
- Radical and unconvential approaches to self-improvement.
- Web application tooling, especially Next.js and TailwindCSS.
- Applications and limitations of GPT-3.
- Lifespan
- Metabolical
- Endure: Mind, Body, and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance
- Spiritual Enlightenment, the Damnedest Thing
- Chaos Monkeys
- Body By Science
If you have your own website, you should create a now page.